onsdag den 21. oktober 2009

Linatza-second part

second part:

“So I’ve heard.” This really seemed to annoy Mrs. Johnson for whatever reason it definitely would not be a very good one. Lina sighed irritated that she didn’t just say something that would make herself look pathetic and make Mrs. Johnsons day. Mr. Johnson and Pete entered the kitchen both in bright green T-shirts reading junior Swimming club. Both grinning they sat down to eat breakfast, Lina suspecting that something was up.
“Good morning honey.” Mrs. Johnson greeted.
“And a good morning it is Merry!” He smiled at her.
“I’ll pack some lunches and a little prize for the winner.” She winked at Pete. “and we can be off at about twelve.”
“Lovely I took a personal day from work Merry, the office will do fine without me.” He smiled at her. Lina wondered where Mr. Johnson worked, he had never talked about it, but now she knew it was at an office. Every school day Miss. Dawnt came home school Lina, she was an elderly woman with short, thick, grey hair and a large nose. She would always wear pearl earrings and was granted a breath smelling rather like a sewer. Pete and Damien would have gone to school Mr. Johnson would go to work and Mrs. Johnson would disappear off into the town for the day, drinking tea with friends or doing some shopping. Mr. Johnson didn’t look like the type of person who would work in an office but she discarded this thought, of cause he could work with banking. Seemed like his type of work. She then decided to concentrate on the day and then it suddenly hit her, what was she going to swim in?
“Erm mam, what swimsuit do you have my size?” She doubted Mrs. Johnson had any.
“Oh my dear I’m sorry but we don’t have any, you’ll have to swim in one of Damien’s T-shirts and some shorts, I’ll find you something.” Mrs. Johnson would of cause try to find Damien’s biggest T-shirt and snap at her if she even commented it. Lina sighed and slid of her chair and crossed the kitchen to the sink. The Johnsons had started to discuss where to have their lunch, when Lina left the room. She decided to go outside and went to fetch a cloak in the cloakroom. She picked out one that she had used last year and a pair of wellington boots and a scarf. She heard the Johnsons having a new discussion on what type of sandwiches to bring and Pete was insisting on salmon. Mrs. Johnson didn’t have any salmon and Pete had started to raise his voice. Lina quickly slid out the door and looked out onto the soulless street. She prodded off towards the centre of the town in her slightly oversized boots. Wondering if her mother was safely back in her own world, attending the Meeting of Fire. Hadn’t the dragons seemed surprised when the Black dragon had announced the Meeting of Fire? She had ended up by a lake in the park and sat down leaning up against one of the many trees. The park was splashed with color from the autumn leaves. She didn’t usually think about dates and months when with the dragons. They would feel the weather and understand what was comeing, sun or snow. Lina heard some nasal voice calling her name in impatiens.
“Lina!!” it shouted, it was Mrs. Johnson. It was probably already twelve so Lina got to her feet and rushed out of the park towards the Johnsons house. She heard Mrs. Johnson again.
“Where is that stupid girl, running off like that.” She snapped. Pete was pretending to be really sad and Mrs. Johnson was getting terribly pepped up. Lina quickly rounded the corner and saw them packing the car with a picnic bag and some towels.
“I’m here mam.” Lina called, jogging towards them. She saw Mrs. Johnson turn around glaring at her.
“Well I never! We have been looking for you for ages!” She shouted. Lina looked at the watch on Mrs. Johnsons wrist, it was five to twelve.
“Why were you looking for me? Weren’t we meant to leave at twelve?” Lina said in wonder.
“Young lady don’t speak back to a me!” She snapped again and grabbed Lina by the wrist and jammed her into the car next to Pete who was smiling. Lina breathed deeply trying to control her anger, feeling horribly mistreated. Mr. Johnson put the last things in the car and then they were off, driving away from the town of Duns. Lina wasn’t quite sure where they were heading, but she decided to keep quiet. Pete was going on about the people who were on his swimming team and then he mumbled something about being the best, Lina had shut off from the sounds around her and was waiting for the humiliation of having to plunk into a pool fully dressed with a crowd of spectators. She shuddered at the thought. They soon enough reached the swimming centre called “Aqua dive” with a huge wave filling the white wall of the building. Mrs. Johnson pulled the towels out of the car and as Lina had suspected a great large T-shirt of Damien’s, with a pair of not to large shorts, which pleased Lina that she hadn’t managed to find anything better, or worse depending on how you look at it… Lina thought to herself.
“Well come along you two.” She called to Pete and Lina, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were headed for the entrance.
They stepped into the building, damping warm air blew into their faces smelling strongly of chlorine. To her right down some stone steps there was a large pool and to her left there was stationed a very large lady behind a glass window typing with two fingers on her keyboard. She filled her chair completely and her dark brown hair was tied back into a bun. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson purchased two tickets for Lina and Pete from the large lady and then went to sit down by one of the tables. Pete and Lina followed and sat down as well. The stone floor contained 5 wooden round tables where two of them were occupied by other families. Mrs. Johnson pulled out Lina’s swimwear and a towel.
“Here you go now. Get dressed and go have some fun.” She addressed them both and then she added;
“We will go down to the pool and wait for you now hurry up!” She smiled at them both. Lina looked down at her clothes and walked slowly to the women’s changing room, feeling quite self conscious. The room was filled with naked women and children walking around and Lina didn’t want to be squashed by anyone unclothed; so she quickly found a bench in a far corner and threw her things onto it. She didn’t want to look around afraid that they might think she was peeking so with eyes fixed onto her clothes she decided to swim in the T-shirt she was wearing; it was slightly smaller than the one Mrs. Johnson had given her. Then she pulled of her large jeans and quickly put on the shorts. She swore in embarrassment and then walked towards the shower trying very hard not to bump into anyone naked. Then while other people where looking slightly bewildered she pressed on one of the showers and her clothes quickly became wet and sticky. Her eyes constantly fixed upon the white, stone floor. Then when she was completely soaked she stepped outside the changing room, she did not want Mr. and Mrs. Johnson having the satisfaction of her looking small and scared so she pulled herself together and straightened up. Then when she had spotted the Johnsons and Pete in his swimming trunks she strode over in their direction. Then she heard Mrs. Johnsons voice.
“There she is, let’s get this thing started!” She said smiling down at Pete.
“Yer Lina we’re gonna’ Swim backwards and forwards 4 times I’ve decided, it’s called laps just so you know.” He looked extremely excited and Lina was dreading it already.
“Er… okay.” She replied.
“Now get in both of you, I’ll count down.” Mr. Johnson shouted from a few feet away. Lina closed her eyes and jumped into the water loving the cooling sensation. Pete had already splashed into the pool beside her.
“Come on Lina over here!” he called from the wall of the pool. Lina swam over next to him her back to the wall ready for the countdown.
“ready? Set! GOOO!” Mr. Johnson bellowed and she kicked off from the wall of the pool. Digging her hands hard into the water and pushing forward. Pete was slightly behind her putting up a right fight. Living with the dragons meant having to do quite a lot of things by yourself and even though her arms were small they contained quite a lot of power. She thought of the many hours spent with her mother in the sea. Holding on to her back while she swam downwards. She looked over her shoulder and noticed that she was quite a bit ahead and then she turned round in the water and kicked off to start her second lap. She was digging fiercely at the water and then her third lap had begun Lina had managed to swim a hole lap in front of Pete and then suddenly by some force she was pulled backwards in the water and she quickly caught sight of a coin in Pete’s hand shining before he put it back into his pocket. She started trotting water looking around for the source of the pull, when Pete was suddenly right behind her and bewildered as she was, she kicked off to not let him gain the front. But suddenly a whistle was blown and Lina stopped up seeing Pete had reached the end miraculously. Hadn’t he just been right behind me? She thought. She swam towards Pete who was smiling from one ear to the other, but Mr. and Mrs. Johnson looked very stern.
“Pete will you come with me for a moment?” Mr. Johnson said in a hard voice. Pete quickly got out of the water looking quite annoyed, but followed his farther a bit away from Lina and Mrs. Johnson.
“Come here Lina out of the water, you go get changed I think we’ll go somewhere to have lunch now.” Mrs. Johnson said nervously. Lina heard Mr. Johnson raise his voice and picked up the words;
“Oracle does not agree.” Then something about him not being schooled. Lina got annoyed; The dragons and the Johnsons knew about the oracle, she was frustrated with her lack of knowledge. She wanted to know and what was Mr. Johnson talking about, hadn’t Pete gone to school every week-day when she had been taught by Miss. Dawnt? Why was everything a secret!? Her insides shouted while she strode off towards the changing room. She quickly showered rushed to change still avoiding all the naked people in her way.

It was a hot day in the beginning of May. Lina had crawled out of her window and was lying on the roof of the dark blue house. She had brought out a towel so that she didn’t burn herself on the boiling tiles. She could see the park from the roof top and all the surrounding houses. Mrs. Johnson was in the kitchen cooking expecting guests at lunch and Lina could feel that she was anxious and even though she wasn’t allowed in the kitchen she decided to stay as far out of the way as possible. Pete was in his room and Mr. Johnson in his office. The birds were singing and somewhere a dog was barking. She was at peace with herself and thinking of her mother, worried that something might happen, she had taken in a human child. Lina just hoped the other dragons would be just as understanding. Lina loved her mother, like no one ells. She was the one person in her life that was everything she wanted. Lina pulled her mother’s tooth out of her pocket and slid her hand over the smooth surface. Lina heard that Mrs. Johnson called for lunch, which didn’t seem quite right; Lina frowned. The guests hadn’t appeared Lina would have spotted them or at least heard the car. She sat up and slid down to the bottom of the window and with an agility only attained by living your life with dragons she gripped onto the drainpipe and swung herself into the window, landing perfectly on Damien’s bajge colored carpet floor. Mrs. Johnson had forgotten all about moving Lina into another room and since she had free access to television she had decided not mentioned it to her. She walked down the stairs still wondering why the guests hadn’t arrived when Lina could hear two new voices from the kitchen. It was a man and a woman. She opened the kitchen door and saw a tall woman quite robustly built and overweight with a very flattering smile. Her hair was cut to her ears and her lips were colored with a dark pink lipstick. She and the man were wearing quite unusual clothing. Large king blue cloak decorated with golden leaves, underneath the cloak the man was wearing a pair of black trousers and a dark purple jacket. The woman was wearing a golden tunica with a black dress underneath that covered her legs. The man had black hair with streaks of gray and very bright blue beady eyes shining friendly. The whole company including Pete Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Johnson turned around and the woman spoke in a very straightforward and strong voice.
“Ah Speak of the devil, there you are Lina. My name is Jane Smith, it will be Mrs. Smith to you.” She smiled and she stuck out her right hand grabbed Lina’s shaking it while speaking.
“And I’m Mr. Evans.” The dark haired man said with a quizzical smile and shook Lina’s hand gently. The woman said;
“We are here to collect you Lina and invite you into a world you probably already have experienced a part of. Now that your mother is entering the meeting of fire which will…”
Lina was choked, how did this woman know!? Now the Johnsons knew as well!
“Now don’t look like that Lina, we know about your life with the dragons now please just listen. As I was saying she is entering the meeting of fire and we suspect this meeting will go on for the next half year or so.”
“No, why so long?” Lina was worried, she was already missing her mother and half a year was far too long.
“Well this meeting doesn’t normally take place, only in difficult times and so we expect like the other meeting before this one that it will last at least half a year, now the Johnsons have been very hostile.” She raised an eyebrow slightly, causing Lina to smile.
“and well no one can expect them to take you in for so long.” Mrs. Smith smiled at Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and then looked down at Lina. Her mind was racing her mother, her home.
“Where will I live?” Lina suddenly said slightly panicky.
“Don’t worry I have word from the oracle that you can come and stay at his university for as long as you’d like.” Mrs. Smith smiled warmly.
“She can’t possibly?” Mrs. Johnson started.
“Yes what about the code, we can’t let a human set foot on the universities grounds not even mentioning what…” Mr. Johnson was interrupted by Mr. Evans he raised a hand to silence him.
“Ah… you see we don’t believe that she is a human.” Mr. Evans smiled. Lina had decided to see where the conversation ended before asking all the questions exploding in her mind, she had nowhere to start.
“Not a… Not a human? Why did we then have to disguise all this? Why did we have to act like a normal family all those times? My dear Andrew could you please explain this!?” Mr. Johnson was going bright red and staring directly at Mr. Evans.
“No well…” He looked down at Lina.
“I’ll explain later Carl, now first, young lady it would deeply bewilder me if you didn’t have a large handful of questions now let’s sit down and eat and we’ll tell you as much as possible.”
They all sat down around the large oak table, Pete was looking terribly outshined. There was a roasted duck with a salad and bread. Everyone except Lina was helping themselves to the food.
“Er… Mr. Evans who are the humans?” Lina decided to start with the word used the most, hoping to understand more of their conversation.
“Ah the humans are the ones not gifted with magic, it’s quite silly really because of cause we are humans as well, and really just the same, we’re just much cooler.” He blinked at her.
Lina’s mind didn’t catch the last part, as soon as he had said magic she had lost the trail of conversation and a new question burst out.”
“You think I am gifted with magic?” She said hoping dearly for a yes, so she would finally have something attaching her to the dragons.
“Yes absolutely, now don’t get too excited, women don’t tend to get much magic and can only contain positive magic. There are the positive magic and the negative. Now men can have both and tend to become more powerful in both as well. We can contain more knots. That’s what our magic is measured in. But we have a problem with you young lady we can’t really get a clear picture of your magic and so you will probably know as late as you’re first school day, which is quite unusual.”
Lina was getting more and more excited by the minute, she wanted to know more of this world of magic, she believed in it. It was words she had all her life waited to hear. She then had another question she had to have answered.
“Who’s the oracle?” she asked, Mrs. Smith answered this.
“The oracle is not one person. There are seven and together they form what we call the oracle. Each of them rules one of the seven dimensions.”
“What are the seven dimensions?” Lina blurted out.
“Worlds created by ancient magicians.” Mrs. Johnson said impatiently as if it was something everyone should know.
“Wolds?” Lina made big eyes.
“Well imagine a bubble, these worlds are inside this invisible bubble.” Mrs. Smith continued mastering some patience.
“The largest bubble is the size of London and that is where our University is built. It’s called Vallanar University named after the Magician who died creating the world. There were not created more after the seven, well maybe one, but never more than that. The magicians realized that even the most powerful of them would die creating that amount of life.” Mrs. Johnson said slightly theatrical and then took a piece of duck into her mouth. Lina looked down into her hands. They were itching to use the magic inside her. Then she thought of the time in the pool.
“Pete was it magic you used on me in the pool?” Lina asked him curiously. He went bright pink and mumbled something about winning. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had stiffened at this question as well.
“He was just fooling around it won’t happen again.” Mr. Johnson said weakly. Lina was a bit scared had she caused Pete troubled? Well this was actually nice. She smiled slightly.
Mrs. Smith turned to Lina and said.
“We don’t allow magic to be used outside our worlds. Humans don’t know of our existence; we are the people’s guardian angels, if you’d like to name us. We try to create a peaceful world, but these hot headed humans sure make our jobs hard. Wars all over the place.” Mrs. Smith sighed.
“Our reason for not allowing humans to know of our existence is also because we can’t seem to live peacefully; a long time ago we live side by side. That’s where history speaks of witches being burnt on fires and wood stabbed into vampires. We can’t use our magic against humans as easily, something born within us shouts and screams when we throw any form of hurting spell at them. We are created to protect, we are the miracles they speak of. We went into hiding when we realized that we couldn’t live our lives the way they were. Constantly fighting against the people your body instinctively wants to protect. Many of us died that way, we were powerless and we didn’t want to kill.” Mrs. Smith looked down onto her plate. Lina thought about what she had said. It was true she had read stories about the things she was telling her. She had thought the people in those days had been superstitious, silly and vile.
“We won’t punish you Pete, but please respect everyone’s safety; you don’t want to live in that world.” Mr. Evans had said looking quite stern.
“Yes sir, I will of cause.” Pete said with a small voice.
“Now.” Mrs. Smith sounded happy and warm again.
“We are going to escort you to the university at the end of next week. Friday preferably.” Lina had stars in her eyes. She was ecstatic.
“Really I’m going to a world of magic!” She said and just to be sure that this wasn’t a dream, she pinched herself on her thigh.
“Yes, our school systems is different to the humans it’s from November to September. Students usually start at about twelve; you’ll be turning twelve in June if I’m not mistaken?” She looked at Lina smiling very warmly.
“Yes mam.” Lina replied her mind somewhere far away.
“How many years do I attend the university Miss?”
“That is quite different depending on your potential. Most women study for about four years. They normally will have 5 knots or below. The ones with six to seven knots study a year longer, that will be five years. The ones with eight knots and above study for 6 years. These classes rarely meet women.” Mrs. Smith had finished her food and Lina realized everyone ells had as well. Then suddenly Mrs. Johnson mumbled some words and as her emerald necklace lit up all the things occupying the table either zoomed to the sink or disappeared into the thin air. The food was the things doing the disappearing while the cutlery had cleaned itself and then stacked into each individual’s cupboard. Lina was baffled, but she loved it.
“This is why I’m not allowed in the kitchen!” Lina stated loudly.
“Well I wasn’t going to do it by hand even if I wasn’t allowed to show you magic.” Mrs. Johnson replied sternly, but one side of her mouth twitched and had nearly smiled.
“Now Carl and I, will be taking a leave, have to get back to the student’s, oh and Lina before I forget.” Mr. Evans pulled out from inside his purple coat a necklace with a raindrop in blood-red and a silver line through it. She had seen the pendant before. She couldn’t remember where though.
“Thank you, that’s far too kind of you” Lina said putting the necklace over her head.
“It’s not just a necklace, It’s what’s going to bring you to Vallanar the largest school out of the 4, how many languages do you think that makes? Well I can tell you quite a deal, it contains a strong magic that ensures you that whatever language someone speaks or writes it will end up being English. I can tell you it was hard convincing the French that English probably would be the easiest way to go.” She smiled, Mr. Evans said “Anyway we’re late, see you on Friday Lina.” He waved and Mrs. Smith smiled and waved and then poof. They had vanished.
The next few days rolled by like some sticky object, Lina trying to push through them as fast as possible. She would wake up with uncontrollable butterflies in every part of her tummy. They would continue fluttering until she fell asleep again in the evening. The Johnsons had started to treat her with an unusual kindness, but also started talking bad about the human race and how the magic race is inferior. She would at every mealtime walk into the kitchen spotting different object zooming through the air and Mrs. Johnson’s necklace shining bright green. They had told her about how every magician has one important object on them and that’s what stories would call the magicians wand. Though the object could be anything from a stick to a green necklace, as long as it’s very important to the person carrying it. Lina would spend most of her day sitting talking to one of the Johnsons about the 7 worlds; Dragillion, Vallanar, Faragor, Leon, Jiggers, Weathir and Shella. She was going to Vallanar and Pete could tell the most fantastic stories about a large tree as thick as a football field but only 300 m tall creating the illusion that the tree really just is a massive stump. She would listen and every single word would be sucked up like she was a great sponge and suddenly it turned Friday. Lina woke up more nervous than ever. She decided not to pack any of Mrs. Johnson’s horrible clothes but instead packed two quite neutral T-shirts of Seamus’ and two pairs of sweat pants. She hoped that she somehow could buy something new, when in Vallanar. All day she would look nervously out the window, pacing up and down the stairs. Mrs. Johnson kept asking her to say hello to Seamus and give different messages about how much his mother loved him. Lina decided to say the first part, but didn’t want to humiliate the poor boy. Seamus had gone on some patrol that all second years had to attend except his unfortunately was placed exactly in the two months all the other students had their main holiday.
Lina decided in the end to go down into the sitting room and relax. Mr. Johnson had come home from work and came in mumbling “darazam furio” while holding his black shiny stone. Fire sprang to life in the mantel piece. This had started to become a normal thing for Lina. Mr. Johnson would start the fire and Mrs. Johnson would keep it lit. Lina had never seen Mrs. Johnson use the “furio” spell herself.
“Erm… Mr. Johnson, how come Mrs. Johnson never lights the fire?”
He looked up at her and straightened his back.
“It’s because, Lina, that fire is connected to the negative magic and I control negative, Mrs. Johnson like all women is positive and therefore can use all the other elements.”
Lina thought a bit about that, she would far rather have a group of elements than just be able to use fire. Lucky thing that I’m a girl, she thought.
“So positive can do a lot more things.” Lina stated more than asked.
“Oh no no, we negatives control the 12 daemons. Well we only control 9 because it’s against the ML to summon the 3 strongest. ML stands for magic law.” He quickly added, seeing her confused face.
“What can you use daemons for?”
“Well shielding, to strengthen different spells, to have more people on the field if it for an example were a war. We can also use lightning through two of our daemons.”
Lina started to get the tickling feeling again as if something large and amazing was about to evoke.
“How do you summon a deamon?” Lina was burning to know, to see it with her own eyes.
“You have to be atleast a 6 knot magician to be allowed to summon the daemons on earth, they tend to get more uncontrollable. I’m an 8 knot so I would be able to show you. Let’s make a show of it after dinner.”
“Yes sir!” she said excited.
Lina was looking forward to hearing more about the positive magic as well, since that was the one she was going to be using for the rest of her life. Could she make a tree grow? As far as she knew the 3 other elements were earth wind and water. What could one create what would she learn? What element was Mrs. Johnson using, when making objects fly through the air? She was far away fantasizing about different spells long after Mr. Johnson had left the room.
At dinner Lina had started focusing on the closest excitement, the summoning of a Daemon.
“Yes I’ll be summoning a skliton, it’s the easiest to control and something all the boys learn in their first year.”
Mr. Johnson said while taking a bite of his chicken.
“Yeah Seamus told me all about the skliton last Christmas, he had already summoned one at the end of the 5th summoning lesson!” Pete said proudly.
“Yes our Seamus has quite the talent, he has already got 8 knots and he’s only ended his first year!” Mrs. Johnson smiled.
“If your knots go up don’t you then change class?” Lina wanted to know. She had already been told that students were mixed depending on potential.
“No because everyone usually goes up about 2 knots in a life time. One knot more doesn’t do the biggest difference in the classroom, but it does a great deal when in battle.”
“In battle?” Lina said
“We are trained especially in the two last years, in protecting and in war. We have a lot of evil creatures that we magicians don’t only protect earth from, but our own worlds too.”
Lina had started to wonder what sort of lessons she would be taking, what she would be taught and most of all meeting Leon Osar one from the Oracle. She had a feeling that she would see him at least on her first school day. The Johnsons did not talk a lot about him; she sensed something was between them. Though this only intensified her interest.
Dinner soon finished and like the last few days it was with talk and a good mood that everyone left the table, Lina having to quickly duck, not to get hit by a zooming plate. Soon the family was gathered in the white sitting room, either lying on the soft couch with all the feathery sheepskin rugs or perched on a soft white chair. The Fire crackling cozily in the dimly lit room.
Mr. Johnson cleared a space in the middle of a room and crouched down onto the floor, painting different symbols on his hands. It was a series of the same 4 symbols. He lay his hands around a small lit candle and then he said loud and clear to the hole room;
“I summon you, Skliton oh my skeleton derazam sklring.”
The last two words sounded exactly like; “come skeleton” in the dragon’s language except it was with a very strong human accent. Lina’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt when she saw something materializing from the small candle light, growing bigger and more solid. Finally a small human skeleton no larger than 10 thumbs was completely visible crouched together and suddenly it opened up a pair beautiful wings like a butterfly from a cocoon in rainbows many colors. It was amazing. The skliton changed from hovering on top of the candle to batting it’s wings to rise up towards the ceiling. Mr. Johnson stood up and the strange creature landed elegantly onto his shoulder.
“This Lina is a skliton. It’s what men use as their protective shield when in battle. Summon 4 of these and they can create a very usable shield. This however is not how I would summon a skliton today. It’s how new students learn to do it. Later on you’ll be able to summon one just calling its 3 names and making the 4 hand signs instead of drawing them like symbols on your hands.” He said while putting out his two hands. They were like she had seen a minute ago filled with a repetition of 4 symbols.
“Now our house is one out of the 400 magic secured houses in England, so you’re allowed to use your magic inside these 4 walls without any human noticing anything. So with this protection minors are allowed to use their magic, do you have an important possession that you would like to try your magic with?” straightaway Lina thought of her mother’s tooth. Nothing ells was in comparison to her love for that gift.
“Yes sir, I do! I’ll quickly go up and fetch it, it’s in Seamus’ room.” She called over her shoulder jogging out the room and up the stairs. She quickly took out the tooth from the leather bag she had packed earlier, and ran back down into the sitting room with it in her hand.
They were all waiting for her; Mr. Johnson had gone to sit next to his wife in the sofa the skeleton’s bones had attached themselves in a new position now looking more like a pig’s skeleton resting on Mr. Johnsons shoulder.
“Now Lina show us what you have chosen to be your object.” Mr. Johnson said. Lina passed him the tooth, not really knowing what he was checking it for.
“Merlins! This is a dragon’s magic tooth, isn’t it?”
Cripes Lina thought, it hadn’t crossed her mind that the tooth would cause a stir, she had been so wrapped up in the magic world that she had completely forgotten her oath to the dragon clan. Not telling anyone about them.
“Yes sir it is, it was a gift.”Lina said unsure of how much to tell.
“A very rare and expensive gift I must say!” Mr. Johnson said still sounding extremely excited.
“Yes my dear child you must know it’s illegal to kill a dragon and that’s usually the way this tooth ends up in mans hands, not forgetting how difficult it is to kill a dragon of that age.” Mrs. Johnson looked slightly worried. Mr. Johnson didn’t seem to see any consequence in her having the tooth he was mesmerized by the idea.
“Well well, I wonder how magic will respond to magic, I don’t think a dragons tooth has ever been used as a magicians heart before. I’ll look forward to seeing your progress with this” Finally he handed it back to Lina, still looking extremely interested. “Now just do the first spell that comes to your mind, it usually doesn’t work, but….”

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